
  • ARKÍS architects operate a quality management system that fulfils the requirements in ÍST EN ISO 9001:2008 for design and consultation in the fields of architecture and planning.
  • ARKÍS offers environmental assessments and consultation based on the BREEAM assessment method. ARKÍS' employees are licenced assessors for buildings under the BREEAM International standard, and for planning under BREEAM Communities.
  • ARKÍS architects are licenced by DIBK to perform architectural services in Norway: „sentral godkjenning for ansvarsrett for prosjektering av Arkitektur i tiltaksklasse 3
  • ARKÍS architects are members of  Nordic Built, a Nordic initiative to accelerate the development of sustainable building concepts.
  • ARKÍS architects are members of Prism Environment.
  • ARKÍS architects are members of the Icelandic Green Building Council.