11.09 2008
Með útgáfu bókar Arkís á sl. ári var ákveðið að allur ágóði bókarinnar rynni óskiptur til nýrrar göngudeildar BUGL. Við opnunina 9. september sl. færði framkvæmdastjóri Arkís, Þorvarður Björgvinsson BUGL 500.000 kr. að gjöf.
Arkís published it´s 10th anniversary book last year. It was decided by owners that all profits from the book would be donated to the new Children and Adolescent Phyciatric Ward in Reykjavík. At the opening of the ward on september 9th, Þorvarður Björgvinsson general manager of Arkís presented the ward with 500,000 kr.