12.11 2010

Nýbygging HR vígð

Nýbygging Háskólans í Reykjavík var formlega vígð 11.nóvember.  Forseti Íslands og rektor HR ávörpuðu gesti og formaður nemendafélags HR og menntamálaráðherra lögðu hornstein að byggingunni.  Byggingin er hönnuð af ARKÍS arkitektum í samstarfi við Henning Larsen arkitekta.

Reykjavik University's new building was formally inaugurated November 11th.  The President of Iceland and the President of the University addressed the ceremony.  Then, the  student body president and the Minister of Education and Culture laid a corner stone to the building.  The building is designed by ARKÍS architects in collaboration with Henning Larssen architects.